Jan 5, 2019 was the birth of Prophetic Prayer Ladder (PPL)
Ministries by Bro.Daniel Stephen. It was purely by God's will and grace that enabled Bro.Daniel
Stephen to bring this ministry into existence. Only through the guidance and
support of the Holy
Spirit this ministry had began. The burden of Nehemiah was turned into a vision likewise
Bro.Daniel's burden for reaching the unreached has turned into a vision through
God's prophetic word and releasing breakthrough in the lives of people. As we read in Matthew 4:4, Man does not
live by bread alone but
by every word that comes from the mouth of God, through Bro.Daniel the prophetic word is bringing changes in
many lives.
PPL Ministries started with a new phone number +91( 902-5000-326 ) dedicated specially for this ministry. The introduction of this ministry was met only for 13 members and on Jan 5th, 2019 we received prayer calls around 70-100, it was included the 2 other nations also. The prophetic prayer calls went on for 12 hours and God touched many families. Since then, the ministry started spreading among families and across nations.
As Zechariah 4:6 says, Not by power, not by might but by the Spirit of the Lord. Through the Holy Spirit's move, thousands of people have been touched through this Prophetic Prayer Ladder. Many recieved God's prophetic word through calls and got deliverance and received miracles.
Doubts and debts were cleared, thousands of people were healed from physical and spiritual sicknesses, many were released from bondages and from demonic spirits, many barren wombs were released, many received job offers and had breakthrough in their career and also received the anointing of the Holy spirit.
45 years of deaf & dumb person heared & spoke instantly. Many got revived from generational curses & evil spirits. Many got true transformation by this ministry.
Till this day, PPL had received more than 15,000+ phone calls
from 15 different countries and it's becoming drastically higher. PPL Ministries got expanded its boundary and
now conducting prophetic meetings with PPL Families all over India and abroad.
Many people were blessed and received deliverance through God's word in Zoom & outdoor meetings and share
their testimonies in every meetings.
God had been so gracious in these 6 years of PPL Ministries.
Though the beginning was small we are receiving the interessions of Holy Spirit
during the day-to-day prayer meetings. The Mission of PPL is towards "Bringing
changes in the lives of people".