10 signs that you may be going away from God

1. You haven't read and meditated the word of God (At least a portion or a Chapter) for the past few days. You don't feel like reading it or you are simply making excuses. You just lost your thirst for the word of God. 

2. You haven't spent quality time in prayer for the past few days. Even if you pray it's just for sake of doing it. There is no life in it. You simply disconnected from God when you attempt to pray. 

3. You commit sin secretly thinking no one is watching you. You lost your sleep pattern for unwanted online activities. 

4. It's been a while since you have attended church service (Online as well as Physically). You neglect fellowship with other believers. 

5. There is no change in your inner man. There is no transformation of your soul. You are going back to your old life. Your character and behavior toward other people simply not right and it's harsh.

6. You started to love the world and all it's pleasure. Some time you compromise God for other things you desire. 

7. You think you know everything. You do ministries on your own without considering God's purpose and His ways. Your priorities are not right. 

8. You follow man rather than God. Sometime your favorite people become your idol. You may be following false teachers and false prophets. 

9. Your belief on sound doctrine is wavering. Now a days you change your Spiritual view based on what you believe rather than what's in the scripture. Some time you take the scripture out of context or twist it's interpretation as you wish. 

10. Your love for God is growing cold. You lost your first love for God. The faith you have on Jesus is shaking. 

If you think there are something else that causing you to turn from God, now it is the time to take it very seriously. The good news is you can still have a chance to come back to GOD. You can fix where you could be lacking. May the grace of God help you do that. 


#Realize #Repent #Return

For Prophetic Prayer & Counselling 

Bro. Daniel Stephen

+91 ( 902-5000-326 )